Automotive Data Mining the Broken Model
Are you a dealer who has tried data mining solutions? Are you a dealer who has failed in data mining solutions? Like you I personally have experienced all the pitfalls you’ve faced when incorporating a data mining solution. What I found is the equity mining solutions in their current format takes too much time and burns out your team.
For example, a case study I did recently did, I was able to identify that the dealer had 1600 opportunities. When I dove in further to analyze the data, I was able to identify, of those 1600 opportunities there were 600 duplicated clients. I was shocked… The next thing I found they had 2 “equity specialists” combing through the opportunities to make sure they were clients “they felt” they should call. The end result was 2 reps made 250 combined calls in an entire month. The worst part is they only set 2 appointments.
Now with the invention of Sales Dyno for BDC Dyno, we’ve been able to amplify your teams’ efforts and eliminate the need of having specialists. Here’s how: those 1,000 real opportunities can be sent seamlessly with our built-in voicemail marketing, and email marketing platform. It takes the guess work and manual entry out of the sales team or managers process using Artificial Intelligence. If the client pops up in multiple lists it knows not to contact the customer more than once. It also scrubs out all your DNC customers. It filters through so that if your customer is on a Service campaign it won’t call them twice. Now if you want to have specialists, great, it will work even better, but if you’re like me I made my whole sales staff equity specialists and got everyone making calls. Instead of having my team on the hope system. Except my team is left making all the calls to customers who didn’t call back on the voicemail we sent them. With our built in reporting we can identify exactly who was called and who didn’t call us back.
Just like every data mining solution out there we identify the top filters to reach out to your owner base, but we also have identified other opportunities that disrupt the sales cycle from the average of 36-48 months to 12-24 months. With unemployment at an all-time low and with the constant turnover in our sales industry we’ve been able to do more with less staff.
Making calls is a necessary part of the car business and if you had a full-time employee solely dedicated to making calls it should look something like this:
50-100 calls a day
x22 working days in a month
1100-2200 calls in a month
Take time out of the equation with BDC Dynos’ Sales Dyno. You can make that many calls in an hour. Start receiving call backs within 5 min. The average response is between a 6% and 30% response rate. Meaning you will get between 66 and 660 people to call you back within the hour of you sending the message. How much training would you need your team to have to know exactly how to handle the same call over and over? The beauty of this is because we record all the inbound calls and can identify which campaign the customer called back on with real time reporting, you can now hear the calls your salespeople are handling.
Data mining to the 10X level. Take time out of the equation and stay compliant. If you would like to hear more or for a full demo please email